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  • BERGH, Johannes. Public opinion and representation of women in national legislatures: an analysis of cause and effect. 

The Journal of Legislative Studies, v. 15, n. 1, p. 53-70, Mar. 2009.

CAM 1586 (index)


  • BITTENCOURT, Ana. Mulheres na política: entraves e conquistas. Democracia Viva, n. 41, p. 84-89, jan. 2009. 

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  • CABRAL, Gilda. O orçamento é um importante instrumento político para as mulheres. Fêmea, v. 10, n. 162, p. 4-5, out./dez. 2009. 

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  • CHILDS, Sarah. Analysing women's substantive representation: from critical mass to critical actors. Government and opposition, v. 44, n. 2, p. 125-145, april 2009. 

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  • FRANCESCHET, Susan. The gendered dimensions of rituals, rules and norms in the Chilean congress. The Journal of Legislative Studies, v. 16, n. 3, p. 394-407, Sep. 2010. 

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  • RANGEL, Patrícia. Nova lei eleitoral: nova vida para as mulheres na democracia representativa. Fêmea, v. 13, n. 164, p. 3, jan./mar. 2010. 

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CAM 411


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