Deputies differ on maintenance of Cesare Battisti in Brazil

03/01/2011 23h10

The decision of former President Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva not to extradite the Italian Cesare Battisti resonated among parliamentarians. Arrested in Brazil for four years, the former activist was convicted by Italy to life in prison for deaths in the 1970s, when joining organisations of the extreme left.

The opposition deputy José Carlos Aleluia criticised the decision. 'Sovereignty to protect thugs? The president gave bad example to the country. Lula went out doing what he could do worse, i.e. release a thug in Brazil, a murderer who killed family man in Italy, who was not politician but a bandit. Brazil is not an outlaw's house. We already have too much crime in Brazil.'

In the assessment of Bahia parliamentarian, the president decided to 'do the most shameful act of his administration in the output, hoping that people would not notice because of the end-of-year parties'. He notes that the international reaction is considerably big and he is hopeful that the Supreme Court (STF) will not accept the decision of president Lula.
In the opinion of the Federal Attorney's Office (AGU), the basis for the decision of former President Lula, the extradition of Cesare Battisti could mean risk to life in prison. The case must go through further review of the STF, which should only occur in February, after the holiday of the Judiciary.

Act of sovereignty
For the leader of the Brazilian Labour Party (PT), deputy Fernando Ferro, the decision was an act of sovereignty of Brazil. 'The president acted according to the assessment of AGU, acted in accordance with international treaties. President Lula has acted as a head of State with autonomy and independence, which cannot bow to pressure from political or ideological interests of any country.'
According to de deputy, 'the same rage was not seen in Italy when was refused to extradite also the [former banker Salvatore] Cacciola to Brazil by the citizenship commitments he had'. For him, it is nonsense the criticism of presidential decision.

Italy complains
The Brazilian position was criticised by Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi, who considers an unacceptable decision by the possible political asylum to Battisti.

The ambassador of Italy in Brazil came to be called back to Rome after the act of Lula, but postponed the return to attend the inauguration of President Rousseff, which was interpreted by the Brazilian diplomacy as a sign that relations between the two countries were not shaken.