Chamber approves agreement for production of submarines and 7 other agreements

13/02/2011 23h10

The Chamber approved on this Thursday (February 10th) the agreement between Brazil and France for the transfer of technology related to the submarine industry. The text was adopted as the Legislative Decree Project (PDC) 2912/10, of the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense. The objective of the agreement, estimated at R$ 3 billion, is to define forms of support and cooperation among countries in the field of defense technologies and enable the Brazilian program to develop submarines. The project will now be examined by the Senate.

During the session were also approved seven other international agreements in various areas. One was the PDC 568/08, Joint Parliamentary Committee of Mercosur, which ratifies agreements with Bolivia and Chile on the transfer of sentenced persons. Signed in 2004, the agreement stipulates that the Brazilians convicted in Chile or Bolivia and the Bolivians or Chileans convicted in Brazil, could serve sentence in his own country.

The other approved projects were the following:
- PDC 2546/10, which deals with the agreement between Brazil and Mexico for granting work visas to dependents of employees of diplomatic missions and consulates. The provision would allow the children and spouses of diplomats and administrative servers of Brazilian embassies and consulates in Mexico to work in the country. In the same way, the dependents of Mexican diplomatic representatives in Brazil may also request permission to work on Brazilian soil;
- PDC 2588/10, changing the name of the current Latin American Energy Organization for Latin American and Caribbean Energy Organization. The resolution was adopted at the 28th ministerial meeting of the organization, held in November 2007 in Medellin, Colombia;
- PDC 2643/10, approving agreements of the 2001 Cape Town Convention on International Interests incidents on mobile equipment and aircraft. The objective of the Convention is to facilitate credit operations to finance aircraft, helicopters and aviation equipment in general, giving greater certainty to creditors and therefore reducing the spread rate applied;
- PDC 2768/10, ratifying the agreement for cooperation in tourism between Israel and Brazil, signed in 2009. Among other things, the agreement seeks to increase the flow of tourists and investments in the sector in both countries;
- PDC 2827/10, ratifying the agreement on air services with Israel. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the provision would strengthen bilateral relations in the areas of commerce, tourism and culture; and
- PDC 2834/10, which deals with cooperation in air services between Singapore and Brazil. Under the agreement, signed in 2008, the designated airlines can fly from their government and make stops in the territories of both countries. The airline also hopes to strengthen bilateral relations in the areas of commerce, culture and tourism.

All proposals are for consideration of the Senate.