Proposal restricts the import of citrus fruits in kind

19/05/2010 06h30

The Chamber examines the Bill 7226/10, of deputy Albano Franco (PSDB-SE), which prohibits the importation of citrus fruits for fresh consumption without proper certification body for health monitoring. According to the deputy, the project aims to strengthen the sanitary barriers in order to prevent the entry of products capable of contaminating the domestic production, causing losses to the economy and to citriculture in Brazil.

Today, the Ministry of Agriculture monitors the imports made by Brazil and, when detecting health problems, temporarily suspends purchases. Other countries have similar stance in relation to Brazilian products.

The proposal will also be examined by committees and the Floor.

Reporting - Ralph Machado
Edition - João Pitella Junior
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Suzana Pinheiro Lara