Paralympic goal is to get to 5th place in 2016, says committee chair

12/05/2010 21h00

The goal of the Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB) is to move from 9th place achieved by Brazil in the Beijing Paralympic Games in 2008 for the 7th in the 2012 Games, in London, and get to 5th place in the games of 2016 in Rio de Janeiro. The information comes from the president of CPB, Andrew Parson, who attended the seminar "Special Physical Education, the Inclusive and Paralympic Games", sponsored by the Committee on Tourism and Sports on Tuesday (11).

To achieve these goals, the CPB is investing in knowledge and professional training. In partnership with the Federal University of Uberlandia, the Brazilian Paralympic Academy was inaugurated, an institution that, according to Parson, will work on three pillars: professional training of Paralympic sport, scientific publishing and institutional relationship with the scientific academy.

Andrew Parson believed that, to get to 5th place in 2016, it takes more investment in Paralympic sport, especially the states and municipalities. If all federal units invested in encouraging the athletes with special needs, achieving the goals for 2012 and 2016 would be much easier, he added.

During the seminar, the debaters criticized the draft amendment of Pelé Law (Lei Pelé), processing in the Senate, and asked the deputies to intervene along with the senators to overturn the article of Complementary Bill 9/10 that allows the former professional athletes with three consecutive years of practice or five alternate years monitoring exercise in physical education, without the need for bachelor's degree.
"This Article shall prejudice the right of society to be met with quality by a qualified professional", said Jorge Steinhilber, president of the Federal Council of Physical Education. He said the proposal would allow a 10-year-old athlete to teach physical education at the age 13.

Deputy Eugene Rabelo (PP-CE) said at the meeting that he will schedule a meeting with senators to try to make the removal of that part of the text.

A document prepared by participants of the seminar and delivered to the chairman of Committee on Tourism and Sports, deputy Raquel Teixeira (PMDB-GO), lists ten proposals for policy guidelines for special physical education. They request, among other things, that the teaching of physical education become a private professional area, the compulsory nature of the subject in all grades and in all teaching levels, the extent of physical education programs aimed at children from zero three years, and required extra help for students with special needs.

Reporting - Carol Siqueira
Edition - Rosalva Nunes
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Suzana Pinheiro Lara