European crisis can compromise Cop-15 results

28/05/2010 11h20


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The European financial crisis can compromise Copenhagen Conference (COP-15) goals for emission reduction, causer of greenhouse effect, Deputy Raul Jungmann evaluated during the 17th Brazil-Europe Forum, performed on last Wednesday (26).

COP-15 was a world conference on the weather, performed in the last December in Denmark. “The European Union has already gone backward related to the agreement, and starting to talk about reduction in steps. The crisis tends to bring divergences at a theme where there was convergence before. “Therefore, I believe we do not have to be hopeful related to Mexico Conference”, the Representative said, referring to the Weather Conference, that will be performed in Cancun, Mexico, in the end of this year.

The President of Parliamentary Group Brazil-European Union, Deputy Sebastião Bala Rocha, agrees that economic turbulence might decline advances on fighting climatic combat. “The crisis concerns us, because Europe can call on a heavier industrialization and lose its goal control”, he said.

Although Representatives’ concern, the Ambassador Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado, from the Department of Environment and Special Issues from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said he keeps his optimism in relation of Mexico Conference. “Even though the pointed signals show that the scenario is not propitious to forward it, we keep a position for getting a move on the conferences”, the Ambassador said.

Global Governance
The lecturers have defended an international organization creation directed specifically to the environment. The idea has already been suggested by the Deputy Sebastião Bala Rocha to the President of the Republic. “We cannot sit back to the climatic changes, but we do not have global governance for dealing with it. UN cannot deal with their problems, Raul Jungmann said. According to him, an international agency creation could intensify the negotiation on weather.

Brazil-Europe Forum
Brazil-Europe Forum is a yearly event to discuss the integration among European Union, Brazil e Mercosul. This year theme is “Weather, Energy and Environment at Political Agenda between Brazil and European Union”.

The event is organized by Konrad Adenauer Institution in partnership with Parliamentary Group Brazil-European Union of National Congress and Brasilia University.

Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Márcia Regina Monteiro Ferreira