Committee approves cultural cooperation between Brazil and Guatemala

20/05/2010 11h20

The Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense approved, on last Wednesday (19), the cultural cooperation agreement between Brazil and Guatemala, provided for in 80/10 Message of Executive.

Through the text, Brazil and Guatemala should:
- promote courses or seminaries with intellectuals, artists e professors from the other country;
- perform exhibitions and other cultural events at the other country;
- promote exchange among specialists of preservation, restoration and management of historical and cultural heritage; and
- display film festivals, among other activities.

Cultural Asset Trafficking
The agreement – signed in Brasilia, on April 4, 2008 – also prohibits cultural asset trafficking between both countries and guarantees copyright protection.

O rapporteur, Deputy Francisco Rodrigues, has suggested that the agreement approval, in his own opinion, is going to divulge both countries’ culture. "The cooperation will contribute not only for the nations’ progress but also for their broad country knowledge", he evaluates.

The agreement will be still analyzed by other committees before being voted by The Floor.

Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Márcia Regina Monteiro Ferreira