Committees approve a bill about accreditation system of courses at Mercosur

21/05/2010 06h30
The agreement was signed up in San Miguel de Tacuman, Argentina, in 2008

Committees on Education and Culture; on Foreign Relations and National Defense passed a Legislative Decree Bill (LDB) 2403/10, last Wednesday (19), which validates the agreement about creation and implementation of an accreditation system of undergraduate courses at Mercosur.

The agreement was signed up in San Miguel de Tacuman, Argentina, in June 2008. The objective is about academic quality of diplomas issued by the signatory countries for regional recognition, what can make easier future treaties or covenants that allow the professional exercise among the countries.

Practicing the Profession
The Rapporteur of the Proposal at Committee on Foreign Relations, Deputy Dr. Rosinha (PT-PR) emphasizes the accreditation alone does not allow the right of practicing the profession at the signatory countries.
“It is about an intermediate step aiming at a mutual recognition process of university titles or degrees for professional practicing under Mercosur and Associated Estates”, he emphasized.

For the Rapporteur of the Proposal at Committee on Education, Deputy Brizola Neto (PDT-RJ), the measure can ease the mobility and exchange among university students, professors and technical staff. “Besides, it leads to consensual and collective construction of regional evaluation mechanisms and university diplomas and titles recognition", he affirmed.


Mercosur is an economic block composed by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, with the objective of creating a common market with free circulation of goods and services, adopting a common foreign policy and harmonizing national laws, aiming at a greater integration. Venezuela adhesion to Mercosur has already been approved by Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, but it still needs to be approved by Paraguay.