Committee votes for rules of mineral exploration on indigenous land on May 26

11/05/2010 20h00

The special committee examining the proposed regulates of mining operations on indigenous reserves will vote on the substitute of the rapporteur, deputy Eduardo Valverde (PT-RO), on May 26. The substitute to Bill 1610/96 of the Senate provides, among other things, the accomplishment of competitive bidding for such exploitation. Currently, the exploration company's choice is done directly by the Executive Branch.

The special committee’s chairman, deputy Edio Lopes (PMDB-RR), evaluates that the bids are "the biggest gain of Valverde’s report." He said the measure would allow indigenous communities to negotiate with the exploration companies greater benefits for the region.

After approval by the special committee, the text will return to the Senate, where the amendments to the proposal made by the Chamber of Deputies will be evaluated.

Community Meeting
Valverde's report also determines that the final word on the possibility of mining on indigenous lands of the community will be affected. The authorization for the operation, however, will be the responsibility of Brazilian National Congress.

The deputy states controversy regarding the community meeting. "We must still define the meeting objective: whether it will be deliberative or advisory, i.e., whether the result of indigenous people consultation will bind the decision of Congress on the subject or not. We are discussing to see what is the most appropriate decision", said Valverde.

Other points in the report:
- simultaneous reports on geological, environmental and socio-cultural findings, which will be called anthropological report, and adoption of more specific standards for each of the documents;
- reducing the minimum percentage of indigenous communities remuneration from 4% to 3% of gross revenue from mining companies;
- exclusion of the restriction of a single production by indigenous land;
- including, in bidding documents, the minimum payment for the use of water in mining activities on indigenous lands;
- compulsory recruitment by the mining company, external auditing to assist indigenous communities in monitoring mineral exploration on their lands;
- permission for the mining companies to provide social programs to affected communities, as compensation for any damage to indigenous traditional activities.

Reporting - Karla Alessandra
Edition - Carolina Pompeu
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Suzana Pinheiro Lara