Committee approves an agreement for business data exchange with India

25/05/2010 06h30

The Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense approved, last Wednesday (19), the agreement signed between Brazil and India for mutual assistance at customs matters. The text establishes information exchange mechanisms on foreign trade, providing Brazil with ways to fight against customs violations, money laundering and the international organized crime.

Signed up on May, 2007, the agreement has been processed at the committee as Message 72/10 from the Executive Branch, which will be changed into a Legislative Decree Bill (LDB). The Rapporteur's report, Deputy Ivan Valente (Psol-SP) was for the approval. He recoiled that Brazil has signed up treaties like that with several countries, among them France and the United States.

People surveillance
The mechanisms established by the agreement also include the way information requests between Brazil and India must be done; rules referring to surveillance of people and investigatory procedures, among others.

Information provided will relate to people who have committed crimes customs value of goods exported, the type of transport used in smuggling. By these means, both governments expect to ensure the correct collection of rights, taxes and fees connected to import and export.

The agreement will still be examined by other committees and next, will be voted by the Floor.


Report - Noéli Nobre
Edition - Newton Araújo
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Márcia Regina Monteiro Ferreira