Committee approves the creation of a free trade area in Acre

25/05/2010 06h30

The Committee on Economic Development, Industry and Commerce approved, last Wednesday (19), a proposal authorizing the Executive Branch to create an Export Processing Zone (EPZ) in Brasiléia (Acre). EPZ is a free trade area destined to companies focused on production of goods to be commercialized exclusively abroad. The authorized companies to operate at this regime have exemption from some taxes.

The approved text was Deputy Jurandil Juarez´s substitutive to the Bill 5390/09, of Deputy Perpétua Almeida (PCdoB-AC). The original project was authoritative, directly creating the EPZ. According to the Rapporteur, the text change conferring it an authorization, meets the current legislation. The Bill 11.508/07, which provides for EPZ administrative, cambial and tax regime, determines zone creation by decree.

Development Pole
Brasiléia is located 237 km south of Rio Branco on the border with Bolivia. “The town has presented a significant economic growth at the last decades, setting it up as a development pole of the region", the Rapporteur says. The local economy is based mainly into exploration and production of certified forest products.

“The town location next to the border with Bolivia, particularly to Cobija Free Trade Zone, prospects an outlet for goods at all Andean Region”, the Rapporteur adds.

The project will still be analyzed by other committees.

Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Márcia Regina Monteiro Ferreira