Commission approves new name for Latin American energy organism

09/05/2010 12h30

The Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense approved on Wednesday (5) changing the name of the current Latin American Energy Organization for Latin American and Caribbean Energy Organization. The resolution was adopted at the 28th ministerial meeting of the organization, held in November 2007 in Medellin, Colombia.Translation - Grupo Solución-SP Language/Suzana Pinheiro Lara

According to the rapporteur, deputy Dr. Rosinha (PT-PR), the change of name aims to "better reflect the organization’s participation in the sub-region states of the Caribbean".

The deputy explained that the organization, created in November 1973 under Lima Declaration, brings together all the countries of South America and some Central American and Caribbean countries.


The proposal will be reviewed by committees on Mines and Energy, Constitution and Justice, and Citizenship, before it is voted by the Plenary.


Report - Maria Neves

Edition - Marcos Rossi

Translation - Grupo Solución-SP Language/Suzana Pinheiro Lara