Commission approves amendment in cinematic co-production agreement

10/05/2010 13h45

The Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense approved on Wednesday (5) the amendment text changing for Ibero-American Film Co-production Agreement the current Latin American Film Co-production Agreement provided in the Message 1035/09 from the Executive branch.
Signed in July 2008 in Quito, Ecuador, the amendment protocol, as explained by the rapporteur, deputy Fernando Gabeira (PV-RJ), aims to correct the Portuguese version of the agreement.
Gabeira points out that although the explanatory memorandum to the Executive branch stating that the amendment makes changes only in style, there is also changes in content. He notes, for example, the adoption of co-production possibility with a minority participation of less than 20%.


Minority participation
"The figure of bipartite co-productions also appears in the text, making flexible the minority participation to 10% in exceptional cases," he adds. According to the agreement original text, signed in Caracas in 1989, the participation of each co-producer cannot be less than 20%.
With the change, it is also possible to just financial participate in projects. For the current agreement, the contribution of the minority member countries must necessarily include effective technical and artistic participation.

The message will be transformed into Draft Decree, to be considered by the committees on Education and Culture, Constitution and Justice, and Citizenship, before it is voted by the Plenary.


Report - Maria Neves
Edition - Newton Araújo
Translation - Grupo Solución-SP Language/Suzana Pinheiro Lara