Chamber of Deputies approves opening of the pay television market

14/05/2010 06h30

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship approved on Tuesday (11) a proposal that eliminates restrictions on the participation of foreign capital and utility companies of fixed telecommunication services in the market of cable TV. Such restrictions were in the Cable Law (Law 8.977/95).

The measure allows telephone companies to offer subscribers packages of convergent services, i.e. telephone, internet and cable TV. These packages can now be offered by cable TV companies.

The approved proposal also provides that one in three pay TV channels is Brazilian, allows the entry of telephone companies in the sector, and allocates public funds to Brazilian audiovisual production financing.

The text approved by the CCJ sets a new legal framework for the subject in Brazil. Today, the regulates of pay TV is based on distribution technology - cable, satellite, microwave, among others. The proposal unifies the rules for all types of pay television.

According to the text, the National Film Agency (Ancine) is the regulatory and supervisor entity for programming and packaging activities of audiovisual content. The content distribution activities will be regulated and supervised by the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel).

The proposal follows to the Senate, unless there is an appeal for analysis in the Floor.

Reporting - Lara Haje
Edition - Carolina Pompeu
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Suzana Pinheiro Lara