Chamber approves agreement with Botswana on dependents of diplomats

17/05/2010 06h30

The Floor sanctioned on Thursday (13) an agreement that allows the exercise of remunerated activity for families and dependents of Brazilian diplomatic personnel in the African country Botswana, and vice versa. The permission also applies to consular, military, administrative and technical staff. The agreement will be forwarded for vote in the Senate.

Botswana lies in the region known as Southern Africa and is bordered by South Africa According to the Brazilian Foreign Ministry, the agreement in question is similar to those signed by Brazil with 40 countries over the past two decades.

For the ministry, these agreements reflect the trend to extend to dependents of diplomatic mission agents the opportunity to work abroad, enabling them to enrich their professional experience.
The agreement with Botswana was signed in Brasilia in May 2009.

Reporting - Marcello Larcher
Edition - Pierre Triboli
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Suzana Pinheiro Lara