Chamber analyses a Provisional Measure creating the Olympic Public Authority

21/05/2010 06h30

The Chamber analyses a Provisional Measure 489/10 that authorizes the Union to integrate, at special regime of public consortium, the Olympic Public Authority (OPA), a coordinator entity of governmental actions destined to the Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2016. The State Government of Rio de Janeiro and Rio de Janeiro City Hall also participate at this consortium.

OPA will be responsible for the approval and monitoring of services and constructions which make up the projects having a repercussion on commitments taken on by Brazil with the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The projects will be previously submitted to OPA, which will act in order to guarantee quality and fulfillment of estimated deadlines and costs.

For its activity accomplishment, OPA will have to hire preferably “Empresa Brasileira de Legado Esportivo S.A.” – “Brasil 2016” Bound to the Ministry of Sports, the new company has been created by the PM 488/10 with the objective to provide services to the Public Administration and OPA for elaboration and revision of studies and projects, and construction and service performance for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

OPA model is based into experiences of other Olympic Games occurrences, like in Sydney (2000), Barcelona (1992) and London (2012). In order to be able to function, the entity needs to be ratified by the Legislative of the three government spheres composing the consortium. The president of the consortium will be indicated by the President of the Republic, and questioned by the Federal Senate.

According to the Ministry of Sports, the cost estimate for OPA implantation is R$ 94.8 millions, divided by the three consortium integrants. The public institute will be gradually filled up, and composed by 496 servers hired for a period of up three years, having an extension possibility. OPA will have its head office in Rio de Janeiro city, and will be extinct on December 31, 2018, where there is a possibility to an extension or reduction of this term.

Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Márcia Regina Monteiro Ferreira