Without tax exemption, Brazil does not accomplish the World Cup, CBF president says.

27/05/2010 07h00

The president of Brazilian Soccer Confederation (CBF), Ricardo Teixeira, affirmed on last Wednesday (26), at the Chamber that, in case the Congress does not approve tax exemption package for the World Cup elaborated by the Executive Branch, Brazil will not be able to host the event. Measures are provided in two bills, signed up on last Wednesday by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, which will transact at the Chamber.

One of the exempted federal taxes proposal of imported goods by the International Federation of Associated Soccer (FIFA) and by partner institutions destined to the World Cup performance in 2014. Among the goods released from taxes are food, remedies, promotional goods and fuel. Sports equipments, image and sound broadcast, among others called durable goods are included into the package, since they do not cost more than five thousand reals. Through the Executive project, soccer stadiums constructions do not also pay for federal taxes.

The second proposal authorizes host cities of the World Cup to relinquish from Tax on Services (ISS) at the cases related to the event organization.

Changing rumors
At the hearing promoted by the Committee on Tourism and Sports, Ricardo Teixeira discharged changing suspicions on 12 host cities provided for the World Cup at 2014: Belo Horizonte (MG), Brasilia (DF), Cuiaba (MT), Curitiba (PR), Fortaleza (CE), Manaus (AM), Natal (RN), Porto Alegre RS), Recife (PE), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Salvador (BA) e Sao Paulo (SP).

CBF president has also confirmed that Morumbi stadium in Sao Paulo will receive the games and there will not have reforms or other soccer field building at paulista capital to host the World Cup. In the last days, rumors have been circulating that Morumbi would be out of the Cup because of its reforming project would not meet the required requisites.

Ricardo Teixeira has not otherwise confirmed Morumbi for the Cup opening. “The opening as well as the closing could be performed at any of host cities stadiums", he said.

Work Progress
As the stadiums works, Teixeira affirmed the works are “on the edge”. According to him, the country is not “either in advance or late” at preparation performance for the event.

CBF priority now, he explained, is stadiums preparation for Confederations Cup, which will happen in Brazil in 2013. Teixeira has affirmed that, at least 5 out of 12 stadiums provided for the World Cup should be finished between 2012 ending and 2013 beginning, in order to receive Confederations Cup games.


Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Márcia Regina Monteiro Ferreira