UNESCO will choose 20 nations for immediate application of media indicators

28/06/2010 07h00

Communication and information coordinator of United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Guilherme Canela, affirmed on Wednesday (23) that the institution is going to choose 20 countries to apply immediately development media indicators established by the entity.

Canela had participated on the public hearing of Committee on Human Rights and Minorities, in which a Portuguese version of the Document “Development Media Indicators: a benchmark for media development assessment.”

According to him, UNESCO goal is to implement the indicators in all of 190 organization State members comparatively, until the Second Turn of World Summit of Information Society in 2015. “Our target is to strengthen communication and information right, diminishing informational inequalities", he said.

According to the Committee president, Deputy Iriny Lopes, UNESCO publishing will stimulate bill presentation aiming at providing listed requisites by UNESCO for democratic communication. There is not yet a defined date for indicators starting to be applied officially in Brazil.

Other studies
At the hearing, Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social (Intervozes)’s coordinator Carolina Ribeiro, presented a document called “Contributions for building indicators for communication right”, edited by the entity. According to her, the research idea performed between 2004 and 2005 is to deepen the dialog among institutions interested in communicating democratization. “There are many meeting points among Intervozes and UNESCO’s indicators”, he said. For Carolina, the great challenge is to apply the two of the studies in the Country.

Yet Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea) researcher, Fabio de Sá e Silva informed that the institution is going to launch a book on Brazilian democracy in August, with a specific chapter evaluating media role. However, according to the specialist, the institution has been dedicating itself more to study communication infrastructure sector than to the media area as a whole. On the last seven days of June, IPEA announced the research "Challenges and Opportunities of Telecommunication Sector in Brazil”.


Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Márcia Regina Monteiro Ferreira