Minister criticizes new penalties to Iran imposed by Security Council of UN

10/06/2010 06h30
Agência Brasil
ministro celso amorim.jpg 
Minister criticizes new sanctions on Iran imposed by the UN

The Minister of Foreign Relations, Celso Amorim, criticized the United Nations (UN) on Wednesday (09) because a new penalty round to Iran’s nuclear program.

According to Amorim, countries that had voted in favor of the resolution can have suffered press from the five permanent integrants of Security Council of UN (the United States, the Commonwealth, France, Russia and China). “There are some nations that are more fragile. In the past, there were some things that we could not say, because we depended on the International Monetary Fund (FMI)", he compared.

For the Minister, who had participated at the public hearing of the Committee of Foreign Relations and National Defense a few hours after United Nations decision, the new punishments have represented the Security Council countries’ reaction to the signature on last May of Tehran Declaration.

By this agreement mediated by Brazil and Turkey, Iran has compromised to change slightly enriched uranium by nuclear fuel. “There has been hurry in approving the resolution with penalties, because international opinion has seen merits increasingly better at the agreement”, he defended.

Deputy Nilson Mourão has emphasized that President Lula’s foreign policy is contested by some authorities because of our disruption with the North-American dependency. “Some sectors act as at the Cold War: they want to have the solutions monopoly. Now they are disturbed”, he sustained.

Deputy José Genoíno has also declared his support to the Brazilian “daring” when proposing a new international agenda.

Better way
In Amorim’s opinion, the proposal mediated by Brazil has represented the best way to reestablish the talking with Iran. “The agreement has created a new situation and helped to establish confidence. For the first time, countries that had negotiated with Iran have recognized their right to enrich uranium", he said.

For the Minister, a new round of retaliation to the Islamic country will not make effects as well as had happened with the other previous three ones. The current ONU's resolution provides, among other issues, restrictions to Iranian banks abroad, in the case of a suspect around a connection with nuclear programs or missiles. Besides, it widens arms embargo against the Islamic country.

National Interest
Deputy Raul Jungmann, the application author for the hearing performance, has been against the Brazilian engagement at the Islamic country’s nuclear problem. “We do not have a frontier with Iran and the commercial exchange with that country is poor. There is not a national interest in this Brazilian acting”, he sustained.

In his turn, Deputy Arlindo Chinaglia has argued that it is not possible to dissociate national interest from international conflicts. “With its economic growth, Brazil could enlarge its spaces and had to enlarge its acting at external crisis”, he emphasized.

Deputy Duarte Nogueira, another meeting proponent, has agreed with Jungmann in which there is no reason for the Brazilian involvement into Iran’s problems. “There has been an inadequate and unnecessary contamination [of Brazilian diplomacy] related to ideological aspects”, he sustained.

Jungmann also said that Brazil has compromised its reputation when allying to the country presided by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. “We are associating our image to a dictatorship that violates the human rights. I would not like to see the world accusing us of making possible to Iran performing an atomic test”, he declared.
Celso Amorim has argued that Brazil has not had anything to legitimate Iran’s regime. “Everything we have had was to get the proposal approval of the Security Council countries”, he said. 


Translation-Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Márcia Regina Monteiro