Foreign Relations approves tourism agreement with Israel

14/06/2010 06h30

The Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense approved on Wednesday (9) an agreement at the tourism area firmed with Israel, on November 11, 2009, when Shimon Peres, the Israeli President, was visiting Brasilia.

The agreement provides several manners of bilateral cooperation at the tourism sector, but it is explicit when establishing preferences for health tourism, rural tourism and cultural and religious tourism.

Both countries have committed themselves into technical cooperation at these three segments, including specialists' exchange. Also, it is predicted a joint committee creation to establish a work program.

Mutual visits of media, tourism operators and travel agents representatives are still stimulated. Cooperation will be extended through the scope of United Nations’ International Tourism Organization and other international organizations related to tourism, by the means of information exchange and mutual support.

Growth of 55%
The Rapporteur, Deputy Roberto Magalhães (DEM-PE) said at his favorable opinion that there is an immense potential, although yet incipient, because of factors like distance and travel costs.

In 2008, he says, 31 thousand of Brazilians had traveled to Israel, an increase of 55% related to the previous year. In the same year, 38 thousand of Israeli came to Brazil, an increase of almost 5% related to 2007.

The majority of Brazilian tourists go to Israel for religious reasons. Yet the Israeli, in general, come to Brazil looking for beaches, forests and other natural attractions, and for adventure tourism practice.

The bill will be analyzed by other committees.


Translation-Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Márcia Regina Monteiro