Committee approves cooperation agreement at the defense area between Brazil and Italy

22/06/2010 07h00

Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense approved last Wednesday (16), the cooperation agreement at defense area signed up between Brazil and Italy in Rome in 2008.

The document forecasts exchange between the two countries at areas like security, research and logistical support policies, military instruction and experience exchange at international missions.

The Rapporteur, Deputy Antonio Carlos Pannunzio, believes that the text “will promote a shared defense view development between Brazil and Italy”. Through the agreement, the two nations should constitute a joint working group to coordinate cooperation activities.

The signatories still compromise to stimulate and support commercial initiatives related to equipments and services at defense area that can be of mutual interest.

The agreement also determines that, at performed actions together, each country should be responsible for its own expenses, including its staff's medical expenses. The host country will compromise, however, to offer emergency treatment to foreigners with these expenses being compensated.

Professionals involved at agreement activities will not be able to suffer any kind of civil action by the host country due to their functions. In compensation, the other country compromises to indemnify any kinds of damage caused to others by its Military Forces’ integrants. The text provides information secrecy guarantee related to cooperation activities.

From now on, the message will be converted into a proposal to Legislative Decree and analyzed by the Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship and after, will go to the Floor.


Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Márcia Regina Monteiro Ferreira