The Chamber of Deputies of Brazil asks for Iranian’s release

05/08/2010 07h00

Plenary approved this Wednesday, in symbolic voting, a motion that exhorts Iran government to release Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a woman convicted for adultery in that country. The motion was presented by the Deputy Raul Jungmann. Sooner, the Chamber President Michel Temer had combined this voting with the party leaders.

Jungmann said that he did not intend to discuss Iranian laws, but he emphasized that Brazilian Parliament devoted life right principle to the Constitution of 1988. “This motion is in respect to life and the human rights, nowadays under universal tutelage”, he argued.

In this last week, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva made an appeal to Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in order Sakineh Ashtiani could shelter in Brazil with her family. The request has been rejected by the Iranians. Sakineh is arrested since May of 2006, when a court in West Azerbaijan Province considered her guilty for keeping “illicit relations” with two men after her husband’s death. The case had great international repercussion.

Translation - Grupo Solución/SP Language – Márcia Regina Monteiro Ferreira