Federal Police confirms supposed Iranian terrorist's entrance in the Country

03/08/2010 06h30

The general director of Federal Police Department, Luiz Fernando Corrêa, confirmed that the supposed terrorist Esmail Ghaani got into Brazil during visit of Iran President’s entourage, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in last November. Justice Ministry had already denied, in document sent to the Chamber, any record existence of Ghaani’s entrance in the Country. However, according to Corrêa, the information was wrong.

Ghaani was cited by Veja Magazine in last April this year as “interim commander of Quds Forces, elite unity of Iranian revolutionary guard”. According to the president of Joint Committee of Intelligence Activity Control (CCAI), Senator Eduardo Azeredo, suspicion is that his coming to Brazil would have the target of “researching trade-in atomic materials”.

Because of denouncement, Deputy Marcelo Itagiba requested information in last May this year to the Justice Ministry, Institutional Security Office of Republic Presidency and to Foreign Affairs Ministry. The answers, according to the parliamentary, were conflicting: in the two first cases, the organs denied Iranian’s passage by the Country; yet, Itamaraty confirmed the visit.

Luiz Fernando Corrêa, who participated in the meeting today at CCAI, justified the failure as an internal system deficiency of organ searches. The problem would have been caused because the possible spellings of Ghaani’s name.

For Itagiba, there was “bad faith, or at least, neglect” in information sending to the Chamber. The Deputy is going to suggest to the committee that its integrants directly investigate into the organs which information is available on the supposed terrorist.

Restrictions List
Although the failure on the information sending, the Director of the Federal Police guaranteed there was no kinds of irregularities in authorization for the supposed terrorist entrance in the Country. “There was no formal impediment for this individual’s entrance in the Country, and he does not appear in any national or international restriction list”, he ensured.

The general director of Brazilian Intelligence Agency, Wilson Roberto Trezza, who also participated in today's meeting, confirmed that Ghaani was not prevented from getting into the Country.


Translation - Grupo Solución/SP Language – Márcia Regina Monteiro Ferreira