Court can follow the audit of the Mercosur Parliament

12/08/2010 07h00

The Mercosur Parliament will discuss the creation of a Court of Audit for the block. The TCU (Brazilian Court of Audit) Ministry, Augusto Nardes, made the proposal on Monday (9) in a meeting with Brazilian Authorities in Mercosur Parliament, in Montevideo. The representatives followed the course of the Senate Aloizio Mercadante when he became the president of Mercosur Parliament.

‘The Mercosur Court of Audit would have moulds of the court of EU, which was created before the own European Parliament. The population want to know if the resources used in the Mercosur are being well used’, declared Narde.

Audits TCU experts started to follow the resource expenses for the Mercosur. Until October, the two first audits will be concluded. It shows the programmes to fight against foot-and-mouth disease and to introduce the library of the Federal University of Latin American Integration, in Foz do Iguaçu city (State of Paraná). Both programmes have the support from the Structural Convergence Fund Mercosur (Focem). Brazil represents 70 % of the cash fund, as a manner to help to develop poorer countries in the block.

Only during the last Mercosur summit, in the San Juán city (Argentine), in the early August, projects in the four countries of the block were approved with a total of $ 793.9 million, from which $ 587.6 million was for Focem resources. The main approved projects are a construction of an electric power transmission line from Itaipu to Asunción (capital of Paraguay), to which the fund will provide $ 400 million. The connection between Uruguay and Brazil, in addition, will be provided with $ 83.1 million from Focem.

Information from Agência Senado.