Plenary approves 12 international arrangements

11/11/2010 01h10

The Chamber has approved 12 proposals of international arrangements this morning. As there was a consensus among the congressmen, all proposals were approved through arrangement and now are going to be analyzed by the senate. 
Among the approved proposal is the Legislative Decree Project (PDC) 2075/09 which ratifies the text of the arrangement celebrated between Brazil and Germany in relation to the financial cooperation in the “Program of Reusable Energy Credit” signed in 2008. Through the program, the German Government shall make easy the credit obtaining by the Brazilian Government before the German Bank Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW) in a value up to 52 million Euros (about R$ 122.2 million). The program finances, through a partnership with BNDES, small hydroelectric plants which shall contribute to the generation of reusable energy.   

It was also approved the PDC 2403/10, which approves the Arrangement for Creation and Implementation of an Accreditation System of Graduation Courses in order to Regional Recognition of Academic Quality of The Respective Certificates in Mercosul and Associated States, adopted in San Miguel de Tucumán, on June 30 2008. Among other subjects, the proposal aims to create an accreditation system that makes easy the dislocation of people among the countries of the region and us it as a support for implementing other regional mechanism of recognition of University Certificates.

The other approved projects are:
- PDC 498/08, which approves the Additional Protocol to Contract Frame on Mercosul Environment in Terms of Cooperation and Support to Environment Emergences;
- PDC 1790/09, approves the text of  the Arrangement between Brazil and Trinidad and Tobago to Avoid the Double Taxation and Prevent the Tax Evasion in terms of Income Tax and to Encourage the Trade and Bilateral Investment, celebrated in 2008;
- PDC 2128/09, which approves the Arrangement of Scientific Cooperation between Brazil and Vietnam, celebrated in 2008;
- PDC 2133/09, which approves the Arrangement of Scientific Cooperation and Technology between Brazil and Jordan, celebrated in 2008.
- PDC 2350/09, which approves the Arrangement of Educational cooperation Brazil and Botswana, celebrated in 2009;
- PDC 2402/10, which approves the First Additional Protocol to the Arrangement of Farming Partial Reaching No. which protocols the Arrangement of Permanent Veterinary Committee Constitution of South Cone in order to Support Montevideo Accord from 1980, celebrated between Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia and Chile in 2006;
- PDC 2404/10, which approves Arrangement of Air Services celebrated between Brazil and Uruguay in 2009;
- PDC 2438/10 , which approves, with reservations, the text of Convention for obtaining of Evidences in Civil or Commercial Matters, celebrated in 1970;
- PDC 2487/10, which approves the Arrangement of Cultural cooperation between Brazil and Uzbequistan celebrated in 2009; and  
- PDC 2819/10, which approves the Arrangement between Brazil and Italy for Defense Cooperation, celebrated in 2008.