Parlasur may carry out a competitive civil-service examination in 2011

30/11/2010 23h00

The Mercosur Parliament Board of Directors (Parlasur) has decided on Monday (29) that all employees’ contracts will be terminated on December 31, 2010. New contracts will be executed for the following 12 months, during which a competitive civil-service examination should be prepared to choose parliament definitive employees.  

According to the board’s decision, the Parlasur’s Internal Affairs Committee will be responsible for analyzing, during next year’s first semester, the proposal of bylaw of employees of the body, with rules for the career and a working organization chart. There might be two employee’s centers – the career ones, chosen by means of examination; and the positions occupied without examination, indicated by political designation to positions of trust.

The single proposal to carry out a competitive civil-service examination for the Parlasur is of the deputy Dr. Rosinha, who was once president of the parliament. For Dr. Rosinha, the Parliament needs to count on employees of exclusive dedication and that closely follow the regional integration process. To purpose to the board the examination obligatoriness was also an initiative of the Brazilian representative. However, in order to the examination take place next year, it will be necessary that Parlasur approves the bylaw of the employees still during the first semester. In case the carry out of the examination in 2011 is confirmed, the chosen employees will start to work in the beginning of 2012.

With information of Agência Senado.