Commission approves a compensation for greenhouse gases in 2014 World Cup

10/11/2010 00h05

The Commission of Tourism and Sport approved, this Wednesday (10), the neutralization through effective actions for environmental compensation – of greenhouse effects gases generated during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. This action is set forth in Act 7421/10, of Senate. The reporting judge, Congressman Paulo Henrique Lustosa, decided by its approval bead on data published in a hearing by the commission in July.  

According to him, the sustainability was still integrated to the initial project of the World Cup in Brazil. “Up to this moment, there is no evidences that the successful Green Goal program, created by Germany during the 2006 World Cup shall be applied for World Cup in Brazil.” The balance of the result reached with the Green Goal showed a 20% reduction in the quantity of gas emission produced in a Stadium and surroundings, a 20% reduction in use of energy at the Stadium, because of the use of reusable energies and the increase of public means of transportation. All this facts contributed to a 19% reduction of Greenhouse Gases.    

Too many garbage
The congressman Paulo Henrique Lustosa states that big events such as the World Cup generate a vast quantity of garbage. According to him, an action to reduce the impact on environment is the fast recycling of the wastes collected after the game.

"Having mechanisms to ensure a fast recycling and treatment of these wastes, and associated to the event project, is an objective way to ensure the environmental compensation,”  explain the congressman. “In addition to the possibility of use of alternative energy sources and reuse of the consumed water. “
He uses as example a Project for reusing the water used in fountain to irrigate the game field. “There is engineering and recycling solutions which have to be associated to the projects to reduce the impact on environment and increase the event sustainability. “    

Congress Commitment
Paulo Henrique Lustosa also states that the project shows the commitment of the Brazilian congress to the World Cup sustainability. According to the project, the money obtained by the commercialization of the carbon credit arisen from the World Cup shall be equally shared among the Public Authorities and the event organizer. The Allocated Amount of the Public Authority shall be applied in educative initiatives for climatic changes in world.