Vice-Ministry of Paraguay requires more agility for the revision of Itaipu Agreement

The agreement readjusts the fee paid by the country for transference of electric energy.
06/12/2010 01h00

The vice-president of the Deputy Board Marcos Maia received on Tuesday (30) the vice-ministry of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay Jorge Lara Castro. The Ambassador required that the National Congress fasten the approval of the text that triplicate the fee paid by Brazil to Paraguay by energy provided by Itaipu Hydroelectric plant. Based on the values of 2008, the annual payments would increase from 120 million Dollars (about R$ 200 million Reais) to 360 million dollar (R$ 600 million).

The proposal was accepted and approved by the Brazilian Representation of Parliament of Mercosul (Parlasul), being transformed in Legislative Project Decree (PDC) 2600/10. Bow, the project is waiting for the creation of a special commission to be analyzed.

Marco Maia has ensured that is going to act so that the Deputy Board analyzes this subject sooner. "This is a commitment we have to accept. We are going to direct all efforts in order to prioritize this process. We will study the best way to approve this readjustment without increasing the fee of energy paid by the people", stated him. "We expect to do that this year, no later than the beginning of next year. The Itaipu Agreement is one of the relation bases between brazil and Paraguay and have to be treated this way", defended Marco Maia.

Itaipu Agreement
By the document executed in 1973 by both countries 50% of energy produced belongs to Brazil and the other half to Paraguay. The non-used energy has to be sold to the partner with cost price. Paraguay use only10% of the energy produced in Itaipu to which it has right and sells the remaining left to Brazil.

As the debt resulted from the construction of the plant was fully paid by Brazil, in fact, Paraguay sell the energy and this value is discounted from the debt value.