Parlasur members repudiate parliamentarians without vote

13/12/2010 01h05

The Parlasur authorities approved official note on 13 Monday, expressing their 'most energetic rejection' to the hypothesis that the parliament will be composed of people who 'do not have the legitimacy that can only be conferred by popular vote'.
Signed by the president in force, Ignácio Mendoza Unzain, the note was proposed during the summit by Brazilian deputy Rosinha, and approved unanimously by those present. At the same summit, the authorities decided that their members must be national legislators with existing mandates awarded by popular vote.

By means of the note, the authorities stated to be 'alarmed by speculation that arose in Brazil', according to which, the end of the first stage of transition to implement the regional legislature would allow that the Parlasur could be built by persons without authority issued by popular vote.

Also according to the note, the authorities advise that the possibility of including non-elected parliament would result in 'extreme fragility and perhaps paralysis of Parlasur, as well as serious damage to the integration process and to the block image before the international public'.

The authorities also suggested to the National Congress of Brazil to maintain the current policy of nominating its parliamentary mandate holders among those obtained by popular vote.