Parlasul inaugurates first stage of project HQs

14/12/2010 02h10

At the end of last year's session of the Mercosur Parliament (Parlasur), on 13 Monday, was inaugurated the first stage of the definitive project headquarters (HQs) of the regional legislative body, in Montevideo (Uruguay). Responsible for the work, the Paraguayan parliamentarian Ignácio Mendoza Unzain took his colleagues to a visit to the rooms built next to the Mercosur HQs.

Unzain thanked Brazil for the efforts in building the first stage of the Parlasur HQs. The HQs will receive only the parliament employees, that by the time work in the rooms of the Mercosur HQs, located in an old hotel opposite the Da Prata river.

The second stage of the work for the new HQs, still without timetable, will include the construction of a plenary session for 185 parliamentarians, the total number planned for after the inauguration of the elected representatives of the bloc: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and, if confirmed, Venezuela.

The protocol of accession of Venezuela has yet to be approved by the Congress of Paraguay to take effect. From the total, 18 parliamentarians are scheduled from Paraguay, Uruguay 18, Venezuela 31, Argentina 43, and Brazil 75.

During a Parlasur authorities' summit, held on the morning of this Monday, representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Public Works of Uruguay, the body responsible for the work, presented an outline of how the permanent HQs of regional legislative body will become. Besides the plenary, meeting rooms will be built for the standing commissions and for the national delegations. There will also be a café and a terrace on the roof, overlooking the Da Prata river