Deputies supports the railway agreement between Brazil and Chile

01/12/2010 23h05

The deputies of the Traffic and Transportation Commission reinforced on this Tuesday (30) in a meeting with the representatives of Ministry of Railways of China, their support to the technical cooperation agreement between both countries in the railway segment.

The coordinator of Parliament for Defense of Railway Transportation, the Deputy Jaime Martins, stressed that the agreement will make possible the interchange of Brazilian and Chinese technicians in order to get them familiarized with the technology used in each country .

"Brazil is going to be much benefitted with the possibility of inherit a technology appreciated allover the world", stated him.
According to Martins, The Cooperation Term is being analyzed for two months between Ministry of Transportation and National Agency of Land Transportation (ANTT) and the government of China. The Deputy expects the execution of the document by the elected president Dilma Rousseff in the first half of 2011. "There is the possibility of the new president visit China in April 2011, perfect situation to celebrate the arrangement", said him.

The interchange of railway technology between Brazil and China have to set forth the Exchange of experiences for construction of Fast Train (TAV) and other projects for people transportation on railways.

In 2011, according to data presented by the committee, China shall have more than 12 thousand kilometer of fast train railway. Two times more than the value applied in countries such Spain, Japan, South Korea, Germany, France and Italy.

Fast Train
The advance of bidding process of fast train in Brazil was discussed in a meeting. Auction which should carry out on December 16 was rescheduled to April 29 2011. The new date for presenting the proposals was scheduled to April 11 2011.
The committee was questioned by the Deputy Vanderlei Macris, for the embarrassment existent in the current bidding process for the participation of China in project. The representative of the Ministry of Railways of China Wang Jiangou stated that one of the problems is the total cost of project, estimated by Brazilian Government in R$ 33 billions, a value considered lower than the one estimated to construct of the stretch Rio de Janeiro-São Paulo-Campinas by the Chinese Government. "We work with an estimative from R$ 40 billion and R$ 50 billion", said him.

The meeting counted with the presence of the president of the Commission of Traffic and Transportation, deputy Milton Monti; the reporter repporteur of the special sub-commission which deals with people transportation on railways in metropolitan region , deputy Leonardo Quintão; the representatives of Chinese Government Wang Jiangou and Liang Jianzhong; and representative of the Chinese Plant Contracting China Railway Civil Construction Corporation (CRCC) Roberto Jiang.