Coordinator: the airports are depending on improvised extension to Cup

In a congress, debaters stressed the importance of investments in infrastructure, especially in hotels and airports, for carrying out the 2014 World Cup and Olympic Games in 2016.
03/12/2010 02h05

The improvised construction shall be the unique solution so that the Brazilian airports attend the demand generated by 2014 World Cup, according to a study of the coordinator of World Cup Committee of São Paulo, Caio Luiz de Carvalho. ”Until then, nothing happened, we do not have time anymore. This prejudices not only the event, but all Brazilian economy”, stated him.

Carvalho who is also president of Empresa de Turismo e Eventos da Cidade de São Paulo (SPTuris), participated, in this Wednesday afternoon (01) in the XII Brazilian Congress of Touristic Activity (Cbratur), held by Commission of Tourism and Sport jointly with Commission of Regional Development and Tourism of Senate.

The coordinator justified the need of higher investments in airport infrastructure to consolidate the tourism and, consequently, reduce the unemployment in Brazil. The data of Worldwide Tourism Organization presented by Carvalho showed that in every 7 thousand Dollars (about R$ R$ 12 thousand) invested in a touristic destination propitiate the maintenance of a direct job for one year

Visitor Profile
According to the consultancy Brazilian Association of Travel Agency (Abav), Karla Buzzi, the tourists who visits Brazil during the Cup are going to be alike those who visited South Africa during the Cup this year. Because both countries are similar in terms of treatment of foreign people – “they area far from the big center and are considered as exotic places”.

According to Buzzi of the supporter who went to Africa – most of them are men who have a high purchasing Power – 87% went in a world cup for the first time, and 83% and used the trip to practice additional tourism. “They used to remain about three days after the cup. We expect that it may happen in Brazil”, highlighted her.

However, to receive these people, Brazil have to improve its hotel chain, highlighted Caio Carvalho. According to him, currently, the hotels of Rio de Janeiro, for instance, works close to the limit of occupation. “Currently, the city counts with 19 thousand rooms and shall have more 2.500 up to 2014, which is not enough”, stated him..
In São Paulo, according to Carvalho, situation is even more critical. “There is no hotel being constructed”. As the period for constructing a four star hotel takes about five years, there is no enough time to resolve this problem, said him.
A possible solution was presented by the vice-chief executive officer of Brazilian Association of Sea Cruise (Abremar), André Pousada: the use of cruise ships as accommodation mean. According to him, this option was used in the Olympic Games of Sydney (2000) and Athens (2004).

Carvalho reminds further that  big sized events such those organized in Brazil in the next years (2014 World Cup and Olympic Games in 2016) are at most paid by public sector. In face of that, he stressed the importance of planning expenses. “The World Cup will make people much happier, on the other hand, without any certainty in terms of the type of legacy”, said him. In the morning the participants of had established a better partnership between private sector and government for carrying out the games.

The coordinator highlighted that shall be invested R$ 6,2 billions only for stadiums. “many of them shall become useless constructions, without planning”, stressed him.

However, if they were well planned and constructed, The World Cup and Olympic Games may be important to Brazil, said Carvalho.  In his opinion, the great advantage for Brazil is to “dearchive” infrastructure works for population.