Amorim: Parlasur consolidation is one of the successes for Mercosur

17/12/2010 01h10

The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Celso Amorim, has included efforts to consolidate the Mercosur Parliament, economic bloc formed by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, aiming to create a common market with free movement of goods and services, to adopt a common foreign policy and to harmonise national laws, with a view to further integration. The accession of Venezuela within Mercosur has been approved by Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay, but still must be approved by Paraguay. Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador are associated countries, namely, they may attend meetings as guests of the block (Parlasur), among the main achievements of regional integration over the past six months, during which Brazil held the pro tempore presidency of Mercosur.

During the 40th summit of the bloc held in December in Foz do Iguaçu (State of Paraná, Brazil), Amorim recalled the decision taken in October by the Common Market Council (CMC) to adopt the proportionality attenuated to compose the parliament in 2011.

More members
According to the criterion adopted, since next year the party's members of Argentina and of Brazil will be expanded for 26 and 37, respectively. The Paraguay and Uruguay will remain with 18 each. During the transition period, until the holding of free elections, the party's members should be chosen, as decided by the parliament, among 'national legislators with existing mandates awarded by popular vote'. In 2011, elections will be held in Argentina, when 43 parliamentarians will be chosen. In Brazil, the elections are planned for 2012.

'This is very important because people of Mercosur, in our case the Brazilians, will may vote in that candidate who appears on TV to say how Mercosur can help the state; how Mercosur can help to produce what matters to the region and what can be made to the residence agreements' – said Amorim. He added that he will not be parliamentary candidate for the bloc.