The Statute of Racial Equality: the main points

18/09/2009 14h00
Ivaldo Cavalcante
capoeira ivaldo cavalcante 
Capoeira fight


Check the main points of the approved proposal:

 - Employment: The Public Power may offer stimuli to companies with more than 20 employees that hire at least 20% of black people.

- Capoeira: Capoeira is acknowledged as a nationally created sport. Thus, the State shall guarantee capoeira’s registration and protection, including the destination of public funds for this practice. The capoeirista activity is acknowledged in all its modalities (sport, fight, dance and music).

- Discrimination: The proposal adds to Law 7.716/89, on racial discrimination, the crime of exhibiting, in the Internet or any public computer network, information or messages that induce or incite discrimination or racial, color, ethnic group, religious or nationality prejudice. The penalty predicted is reclusion from one to three years and fine.

- Religious freedom: The proposal guarantees the free exercise of religious cults of African origin, including the provision of religious attendance to its followers in hospitals and also denunciation to the Public Defence Office for the opening of criminal action towards religious intolerance attitudes and practices.

- Access to land: The Public Power will promote equality in the agricultural financing criteria to stimulate the development of the productive activities of the black population in the field.

- Dwelling: The dwelling programs of the federal government shall guarantee equal treatment to the black population, as well as the public and private banks which act in mortgage financing.

- Photograph in curriculum: The proposal forbids employees of demanding good appearance and asking for photographs in curricula from job candidates. The offenders are subject to fine and service provision to the community.

- Public funds: The quadrennial plans (PPAs) and the annual Union budgets shall provide funds for the implementation of programs of affirmative action in the areas of education, culture, sports and leisure, work, mass communication media, dwelling, access to land, safety, access to Justice, public financing and public hiring of services and works.

- Health: the proposal fixes the guidelines of the National Policy on Integral Health of the Black Population.


From the Newsroom
Edition – Rosalva Nunes