The Chamber allows the use of Internet in election campaigns

22/09/2009 18h35

Candidates will be allowed to use the World Wide Web to canvass and fundraisings. The approved text makes it clear that there will be no Internet censorship

The Floor approved, on Wednesday (17th), the three amendments of the Senate concerning the election campaigns on the Internet included in the Bill 5498/09. The main one specifies that the expression of thought by Internet is free, and that anonymity is forbidden during campaigns. However, the right of reply is guaranteed. The maintenance of the text was set by agreement between the leaders of the Senate and Chamber, in order to make it clear that there will be no World Wide Web censorship. Now, the bill will be submitted to presidential approval.

The candidates will be allowed to use the Internet to canvass or fundraisings, even by credit card. However, paid advertising is prohibited.

Advertising on the day before the elections
Another Senate amendment maintained by the Chamber allows free electoral advertising on the Internet – whether by means of an election website, blog or other electronic communication– within the 48 hours prior or 24 hours after the election. The prohibition is contained in the Electoral Code for advertising in radios, television, rallies or public meetings.

Irregular advertising
The Chamber also approved the amendments to end with the 24 hour term for the Internet service provider to remove advertising considered irregular by the Electoral Court. From now on, the deadline will be set by the Justice, and if the provider does not meet the notification it may be fined.

However, it will not be held responsible for the dissemination of advertising, unless it is proven that it was previously aware of the publication of it.

Short deadline
The deadline for the publication of the text is short: it ends on October 3rd, one year before the next election. The President of the Republic shall approve the bill in 15 days.

Reporting – Eduardo Piovesan
Edition - João Pitella Junior
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Thamara Mello