Deputy warns to the burden of Brazil’s international aspirations

18/09/2009 15h50

In the public hearing accomplished by the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defence on Thursday (15) about the Brazilian foreign policy, the representatives analyzed the advantages and disadvantages for the country to take a stronger role in the international arena.

By request of deputy Fernando Gabeira (PV-RJ), the political analyst Amaurry de Souza presented the data of the research accomplished among the Brazilian foreign policy’s community. The survey identifies the restructuring of the Armed Forces as one of the priorities of the national defense strategy.

In an integrated view of the foreign policy, this restructuring is linked to the new role that the country intends to play in the international scene: the search for a seat in the United Nations Security Council and the
willingness to guarantee democracy in the South American region.

Deputy Raul Jungmann (PPS-PE) stated that this reinforced participation has not only advantages, but also burdens that Brazil does not seem to be prepared to face. For him, if Brazil goes into global conflicts, the country will be in the line of terrorists threats, and, apparently, there is not any contingency plan for it.

Besides, the country can be summoned to get involved, even with troops in regional conflicts of global repercussion, as the Arab-Israeli conflict or the situation in Darfur. The Brazilian society and the National Congress have not taken part of the debate of these issues, stated Jungmann.

The National Defence strategy does not go through the Congress, according to the deputy. “We have a hyper-presidentialism which generates a government policy, not a state one. And I do not know if we are able to achieve these leadership liabilities”, he stated.

According to Amaury de Souza, it is important that the country be prepared to perform a regional stabilization function. "Stability is the main public good produced by Brazil and offered to the region." The coalition with France is part of that philosophy, because it counteracts the American military hegemony in the north and the approach of Chavez with Russia. “We have to discourage any military adventure surrounding us”, he stated.

Space policy
Deputy Emanual Fernandes (PSDB-SP) criticized the apparent abandonment of the ambition of having a Brazilian satellite launch vehicle, since the explosion at the Alcântara base. With that project, Brazil would be able to produce a missile, strengthening the national warfare capability.

Amaury highlighted the importance of the surveillance in the national defence strategy, including satellites and reconnaissance planes, but emphasized that the warfare industry shall be headed by the private sector.

Deputy Fernando Gabeira, on his side, defended the inclusion of a national defence strategy for environmental protection on the international agenda of Brazil.

Reporting – Rejane Xavier
Edition - Natalia Doederlein