Committee on Budget approves resources for submarines

24/09/2009 13h55

On Wednesday (16), the Joint Committee on the Budget approved the opening of an additional credit of R$ 2.1 billion to the Brazil Navy. The funds will be used in the implementation of the Submarine Development Program (Prosub).

According to the Bill of the National Congress (PLN) 50/09, the major part of the resources (R$ 1.4 billion) refers to part of the payment of the agreement celebrated in this early month, with the French government that foresees the building of the first nuclear submarine in Brazil and the acquisition of conventional submarines.

The rest (R$ 700 million) will be used in initial investments for the building of the shipyard infrastructure and the navy base foreseen in Prosub.

"We started restructuring the Army and now we are restructuring the Air Force and the Navy. We don't need to have weapons to attack anyone, but in order to be ready, in a geopolitical point of view, to affirm our sovereignty. We have the Amazon region and 200 sea miles – including the subsalt area – to defend", said the Leader of the Government at the Committee on the Budget, Deputy Gilmar Machado (PT-MG).

The proposal will be forwarded to voting by the Floor of the Congress.

Reporting - Edvaldo Fernandes
Edition - Marcos Rossi
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Edgar Casadei