Chamber of Deputies rejects minors’ entry in the labor market

18/09/2009 13h50

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship rejected on Thursday (10th) the Proposal to Amend the Constitution 191/00, of the ex-deputy Alceu Collares, which authorized the entry of people older than 14 years old in the labor market.

Currently, the Constitution forbids the employment of people younger than 16 years old. People older than 14 may be hired, but only in the apprenticeship condition. Rejected by unconstitutionality, the PEC will be filed.

Irrevocable clause
The rapporteur, deputy José Eduardo Cardozo (PT-SP), argued that the Constitution expressly forbids the approval of amendment that prejudices individual rights and guarantees provided in the text and that the PEC “harms a constitutionally consecrated individual right".

“Therefore, the minimum age constitutionally fixed for work is enclosed in the condition of truthful irrevocable clause, untouchable by manifestations of the constituent derived power”, he added.

Reporting – Maria Neves
Edition – Newton Araújo