Chamber approves seven international agreements

04/09/2009 17h20

The Chamber óf Deputies approved on Thursday (27) seven bills that ratify international agreements. The agreements, which still will be analyzed by the Senate, regard themes such as energetic integration, defense, offshore traffic and scientific and economic cooperation.

The approved agreements are the following:

- The PDC 406/07 that ratifies the agreement about the Regional Energetic Complementation between countries in the Mercosur, also including Colombia, Chile, Ecuador and Venezuela (countries affiliated to the group) The agreement aims to stimulate the energetic integration of the region, and allows that the parties bargain the execution of constructions and joint proposals and take advantage of shared resources.

- The PDC 985/08 that approves amendment to the Convention about the Facilitation of International Offshore Traffic. These amendments want to simplify and minimize the demands of documents and procedures related to the arrival, abiding and leaving of ships, people and cargo.

- The PDC 1052/08 that approves the agreement between Brazil and Chile about the Cooperation in the area of Defense. The agreement highlights the investigation and development; logistical support; purchase and obtainment of equipment and services of defense.

- The PDC 1053/08 that approves the International Convention for Control and Management of Ballast Water and Ship Sediments. The proposal makes obligatory the inspection of ballast water in ships, and the authorities of ships should dispose of means to collect and analyze the samples of the counterweight used in vessels. The proposal forbids unloading of ballast water at night and in great depths.

- The PDC 1383/09 that approves the agreement of cooperation in Defense with Peru. The agreement highlights areas such as research, training, logistical support, purchase and trade of experiences.

- The PDC 1384/09 that approves the treaty of military cooperation with France, especially in areas such as research, development, logistical support, weapon purchase and joint training action and teaching of troops. The document also regards procedures for the responsibility of military personnel of a country that commit violations when doing activities in other country’s territory.

- The PDC 1386/09 that approves the agreement on economic and industrial cooperation with the Czech Republic. The text regards the actions especially in the areas of energy; agribusiness and forest development; automobile, aerospace and capital stock business; informatics; environment protection technologies; transport systems; technical standards; certification and metrology.

Reporting – Marcelo Larcher
Edition – Natalia Doederlein
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Edgar Casadei