CCJ approves the exemption from visa between Brazil and Russia

24/09/2009 14h00

On Tuesday (15), the Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ), approved the text of the agreement between Brazil and Russia for the exemption from short-term visas for citizens of the two countries.

The measurement is part of the Proposal to Legislative Decree 1654/09, from the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense.

The agreement, entered into 2008, exempts Brazilian or Russian citizens from visas to enter in Russia or Brazil, respectively, and remain up to 90 days, in each period of 180 days, from the first entry. The visa is required for people who travel to study or work.

"The agreement will facilitate the exchange between two great countries, enabling a mutual and better acquaintance. Such agreements constitute a trend of the contemporary world. Besides, the impact over the tourism economy will be positive", said the rapporteur, Deputy Eliseu Padilha (PMDB-RS).

In process
The Bill still demands The Floor’s approval and, then, will be forwarded to Senate’s analysis.

Reporting - Noéli Nobre
Edition - Natalia Doederlein
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Edgar Casadei