The Chamber ratifies 11 international agreements signed by Brazil

05/10/2009 15h05

In an Extraordinary Sitting, during the morning of Thursday (24th), The Floor approved eleven Proposals to Legislative Decree (PDCs) that ratify agreements signed by Brazil with several countries. Among them, PDC 1621/09, whose subject is the Iberoamerican Convention on Social Security. Signed in the 17th Ibero-American Summit, in 2007, the convention assures the rights of workers of the participant States of the summit. One of the benefits is the transfer of social security funds to the countries where people decide to live in the retiring period.

The deputies also approved protection measures of the international sea by the PDC 1618/09. They are part of the amendments to the International Convention For The Prevention Of Pollution From Ships, in the scope of the International Marine Organization – a United Nations body specialized that counts with 168 participating states.

One of the amendments establishes more strict rules in order to prevent the air pollution caused by ships: there will be a control of nitrogen oxide emissions, derived from diesel engines. The text also approves new rules to prevent the pollution caused by substances that may cause damages to the marine environment and they shall be packaged for transportation.

Check the other themes of the approved Proposals to Legislative Decrees:

- PDC 1657/09: agreement with Italy on the Exercise of Professional Activities by Dependents of Diplomatic Staff. The text determines, for instance, that the immunity of the dependents on trial in the civil and administrative scopes will be suspended regarding the acts accomplished in the exercise of their remunerated activities.

- PDC 31/07: Amendment to the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union. One of the amendments limits the number of frequencies and the spectrum used in the radio services to allow the deployment of recent technological advances.

- PDC 372/07: agreement with Paraguay on the Bonded Warehouse in the Porto de Rio Grande. Paraguay agrees that this warehouse, used in the boarding of products to export, receives road transportation products. Recently, it is exclusive for railway load.

- PDC 496/08: Memorandum for the Establishment of a Bilateral Brazil-Paraguay Intelligence Group to fight against piracy, counterfeiting and smuggling. The group will accomplish annual meetings and establish communication channels for the exchange of information and experiences.

- PDC 1144/08: Proposal on the attendance of Brazil at the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The GEF is a financial institution created in 1990 and composed by 176 countries. Among other activities, it finances activities of biodiversity conservation, reduction of climate change risks, ozone layer protection and international waters decontamination. Brazil will be a shareholder with about R$ 2.5 million in this restoration, as provided in the 2008 Quadrennial Plan.

- PDC 1283/08: List of Specific Commitments of Brazil resulting from the 6th Round of Negotiations of Mercosur on the nature of Services. The list consolidates the recent situation of the Country regarding trade commitments in the Mercosur service industry. Lists of commitment of previous negotiations are included and also were not approved by the Congress.

- PDC 1478/09: agreement with Colombia on the Cooperation in the Defense matter. The cooperation in this area will have an emphasis on search, logistical support and aeronautical, marine and land industries.

- PDC 1475/09: Agreement on Cultural Cooperation with Latvia. Among the initiatives of cooperation provided, there are measures to prevent illegal import, export or transfer of cultural heritage goods of Brazil and Latvia.

- PDC 1620/09: agreement of Cultural Cooperation with Lithuania. Signed according to the same standards of the agreement with Latvia, the text also provides that the authorities will stimulate the contacts among cultural agents of both countries.

In process
Now, all projects will be forwarded to the Senate.

Reporting – Eduardo Piovesan
Edition - João Pitella Junior
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Carolina Ogata