The Chamber approves nine international agreements

15/10/2009 18h25

In the morning of Thursday (8th), in an Extraordinary Sitting, The Floor approved nine international agreements signed by Brazil. Now, the proposals will be analyzed by the Senate.

Among the agreements, is emphasized the agreement executed with Venezuela for the mutual cooperation in the fight against the traffic of aircrafts involved in unlawful activities.
In order to restrain the use of aircraft in smuggling, drug and arms traffic among the territories of both countries, the agreement, contained in the Proposal to Legislative Decree 571/08, provides the exchange of information, and specialized technical or operational training.

Also, Brazil and Venezuela will be able to regulate the supply of equipment and human resources, mutual technical assistance, developments and joint operations in order to achieve this goal.

Defence with Paraguay
Also regarding Defence, the deputies approved the Proposal to Legislative Decree 569/08, which contains the Agreement on Cooperation in Defence Matters, signed with Paraguay. The text assures actions for the development of a shared vision on Defence, by the identification of common issues and interests.

Are provided the joint actions of training and military instructions; encouraging of the cooperation on planning, logistical support and acquisition of goods and services, and the promotion of joint actions on personnel formation, training and specialization.

The agreement still establishes that none of the countries will be allowed to transfer to other nations the military equipment, technology or confidential information received during its effectiveness without previous authorization of the other party.

Check out the other Proposals to Legislative Decree approved by The Floor:

PDC 859/08: Agreement on Free Visa for Students and Professors of the Mercosur States.
Such service is destined to students and professors of Higher Education, Graduate Studies or High School courses acknowledged in the country that will host the person. The benefits provided in the agreement are applied to the applicant’s family.

PDC 1394/09: Agreement between Brazil and Norway on the Exercise of Remunerated Activity by Dependents of Diplomatic Personnel.
The agreement assures that any dependent of diplomatic personnel admitted by Brazil or Norway will be allowed to accomplish remunerated activities. The procedures for obtaining such permission are established. The dependent will be subject to the requirements and qualifications applied to the country's employees, including tax and social security obligations.

PDC 1396/09: Agreement on the Vacation and Work Program between Brazil and New Zealand.
The aim is to allow that citizens from both countries be able to request temporary visas to remain in the country requested, in order to attend a vacation and work program. The maximum period will be of twelve months and is cannot be postponed.

Some of the requirements for the temporary visa are: shall have an age between 18 and 30 years old at the time of the application; cannot be accompanied by dependents; bear a return ticket or enough resources to acquire one, as well as for maintaining oneself during the stay.

PDC 1654/09: Agreement between Brazil and Russia for the Exemption from Short-Term Visas.
The exemption will be valid for the entry, leaving, transiting through and staying in the other country’s territory for a period not superior to 90 days.

It is also provided that a proper visa shall be obtained if the person intends to accomplish any remunerated activity or employment, missionary activities, volunteer work, studies, scholarship and researches.

PDC 1671/09: Agreement on Technical Cooperation between Brazil and Swaziland.
The cooperation may occur in any area considered as a priority area by the parties and provides the use of cooperation mechanisms to be detailed in additional adjustments to the agreement. In order to accomplish the bills of cooperation, the countries will be able to search for financing in organizations, funds or international programs.

PDC 1738/09: Agreement between Brazil, India and South Africa on the Cooperation in Tourism.
The agreement provides the cooperation among official tourism bodies and other similar organizations of these countries, in addition to encourage the cooperation in the private sector regarding tourism, such as visits of media representatives, travel agents and tour operators.

PDC 1666/09: Additional Adjustment to the Agreement on Residence, Study and Work Permit Visa to Border Brazilian and Uruguayan Citizens regarding Health Services Rendering.
The aim of such agreement is to allow that Brazilian and Uruguayan people that study, work or live in the border region of both countries may use the other nation public health services.

This will solve the problem of many cities located in the border, which have an intense flow of citizens from both countries, but the health service denies the service for foreign people since their legal conditions are not suitable, due to the fact that they are not effective immigrants.

Reportaje - Eduardo Piovesan
Edición - Newton Araújo

Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Maria Carolina Ogata