Temer defends the strengthening of relations with China

05/10/2009 15h20

On Tuesday (29), deputy Michel Temer (PMDB-SP), President of the Chamber of Deputies, emphasized the importance of Brazil increasingly strengthen its relations with China, not only in the diplomatic and parliamentary areas, but also in the economic. In a Solemn Sitting in homage of the 60 years of the establishment of the Popular Republic of China and the 35 years of the reestablishment of diplomatic relations among Brazil and the Asian country, Temer reminded that the President of the Republic, Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, has been engaged in the strengthening of such relation.

Deputy Aldo Rebelo (PCdoB-SP), that suggested the homage, exemplified the bond between both countries when reminding that, nowadays, China is the main destination of the Brazilian exports. Aldo emphasized the reestablishment of relations between Brazil and China: besides a commercial partner, he added that today, China is a technological partner and manufactures from aircrafts to satellites with Brazil, with an emphasis on the presence of Embraer in the Chinese territory.

Temer also said that Brazil shall be inspired by China since it intends to host the 2016 Olympics. From his point of view, the Chinese capital (Beijing) that hosted the games in 2008, is an example to be followed. “During the Olympics, China showed to the world that it is an open country and has a great development”, said Temer.

In the Solemn Sitting, Aldo Rebelo recalled the historical process which resulted in the establishment of China Popular Republic, on October 1st, 1949, in the post-war period. Aldo said that it was in this year that initiated the struggle for Chinese people unit, overcoming of the economic and social setback and the building of a new country. “At the time, China was always under the pressure of the colonial powers. There was not a single power without the monopoly of a Chinese port”, he said.

As he explained, the 60 years since the establishment of the Popular China Republic can be divided in two periods. The first, between 1949 and 1978, represents the effort to the building of independence. From 1978 on, China adopts the market socialist economy. “From 1978 until nowadays, China has been well-succeeded in the building of a modern economy, which is superior to United States economy. China is the country that, only by itself, contributes to the removal of the broadest range of the world population from poverty.”

Deputy Jô Moraes (PCdoB-MG), that suggested the homage of this Tuesday along with Aldo Rebelo, highlighted that China was able to build a strong nation focused on its development and on the people progress with solidarity. “The homage of this House expresses the wish of the world progress lovers that struggle for the scientific and technological advances to be established in favor of the cooperation among nations and world peace", the Deputy added.

Reporting – Noéli Nobre
Edition – Wilson Silveira
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Carolina Ogata