International partnership between universities is defended in a public hearing

05/10/2009 15h25

On Tuesday (29), the international cooperation between Brazilian and Portuguese universities was defended during a public hearing held by the Committee on Science and Technology, Communications and Computer Sciences.

The partnership and the exchange of researchers and students were pointed out as an important element to enrich the training and qualification of human resources required for scientific and technological development, according to an evaluation accomplished by representatives of both countries that attended the debate, which was requested by the Chairman, deputy Eduardo Gomes (PSDB-TO), and chaired by the deputy Professor Raquel Teixeira (PSDB-GO).

The representatives of the National Association of Directors of Federal Institutions of Higher Education (Andifes), Luiz Cláudio Costa, and of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Wrana Maria Panizzi, emphasized that it is necessary to acknowledge the value of the parque universitário brasileiro (Brazilian University Park) and the great expansion of the university system over the last years. Costa also emphasized the increase of resources for the student assistance as an important component for the stimulation to the university training in the country.

Bruno da Mata, representative of the União Nacional dos Estudantes (UNE) [Brazilian National Union of Students – UNE], pointed out that the difficulty of recognition of the diploma obtained abroad in several areas as an obstacle, and said that the mobility of students in the country is low. According to the student, the problem of credits recognition is present even in Brazilian Federal Universities.

Amadeu Soares, Professor and Researcher of the Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal), defended the importance of the exchange, as for students and researchers, as for those that host them.

According to him, the Universidade de Aveiro has the execution of agreements on cooperation with other foreign universities as a strategic option, and maintains partnerships with several Brazilian institutions, such as universities of the State of São Paulo and Federal Universities of Tocantins, Pernambuco, Santa Catarina, and Rio de Janeiro, including the concession of scholarships to foreign students.

Wrana Panizzi emphasized the role of CNPq and Capes (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) in the promotion of the scientific and technological development by means of human resources training and the incentive to research and innovation.
According to Panizzi, these promotion bodies developed an important role in the constitution, over the last 40 years of excellence boards in Brazilian universities.

However, both CNPq and Andifes representatives acknowledged the need of advance in the restructuring and overcoming the conservatism nature of some Brazilian institutions.

From Newsroom/WS
Committee on Science and Technology, Communications and Computer Sciences
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Carolina Ogata