High Speed Train: Companies of seven countries are interested

09/10/2009 06h40

On Wednesday (30th), in a Chamber of the Deputies' seminar, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Transportation, Paulo Sérgio Passos emphasized the impacts that are expected due to the deployment of the High Speed Train (TAV) between the cities of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Campinas. Passos took part in the seminar about the Brazilian railway system, promoted by the Committee on Transportation.

Representatives of seven countries (France, Germany, Italy, South Korea, China, Japan and Spain) also took part in the debates. They debated on the high speed transportation system of their countries, emphasizing the benefits of their TAV for Brazil. The companies of these countries will take part of the bidding for the deployment of TAV in Brazil.

Among the expected benefits, the secretary mentioned the pressure reduction on the road and airline infrastructure; the pollutants emission reduction; the encouragement to the regional development; and the technological development of the transport system in Brazil.

Júlio Lopes, the secretary of Transportation of the state of Rio de Janeiro, noticed that the TAV project will increase the economical connection with São Paulo. He stated that 65% of the citizens that live in São Paulo never been in Rio de Janeiro. Besides, he noticed, the bill will reduce the saturation of the Via Dutra road.

According to Passos, the TAV will address a demand that, in 2008, was 33.800 passengers. The trip time between Rio and São Paulo will be 1 hour and 30 minutes, and from Rio to Campinas will take 2 hours and 08 minutes. The maximum speed will be 350 km/h and the total extension of the bill will be 510.8 kilometers. Passos emphasized that the Rio - São Paulo stretch will have three trains for hour in the rush hours, one train from 20 to 20 minutes. Passos also said that the government is studying the possibility of amplifying the system to address the city of Belo Horizonte (MG).

The secretary stated that the investments for the deployment of the system will be R$ 34.6 billion and the revenue statement, in 2014, is R$ 2.3 billion. The bidding process, according to the secretary, initiates in December of this year and the presentation of the proposals is estimated for March, 2010. “Until June 2010, a ratification will be accomplished”, stated Passos.

The deputy Hugo Leal (PSC-RJ), Vice-President of the Transportation Committee, questioned if the high speed transportation is a priority of the public policy for Brazil and if this model will receive the expected investments. “The presented proposal is wonderful, but are there available resources for the accomplishment of the bill?” he wondered.

From the point of view of the Chairman, the deputy Jaime Martins (PR-MG), the Brazilian government is interested, but must be faster in its actions, since the year 2010 is an election year.


Reporting – Oscar Telles
Edition – Newton Araújo
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Maria Carolina Ogata