Copenhagen: Brazil shall demand compliance with goals from rich countries

05/10/2009 15h25

Deputy Luiz Carreira (DEM-BA) stated that on December, during the Copenhagen Conference (COP-15), Brazil must demand from the developed countries the compliance with the gas emission reduction goals, in addition to present mechanisms of compensation for the sustainable use of forests. Known as Redd (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation), until recently, the mechanisms of this type were refused by Brazil, due to the concern on their use by developed countries to justify the non-compliance with their goals.

On Tuesday (29th), Carreira also attended the public hearing promoted by the Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development, in order to debate the position the Brazilian government will take in the conference on climate change.

Carreira said that he is concerned that there is no time left for the government to discuss with the Congress the improvement of the proposals that shall be taken to the COP-15, on December. According to the Deputy, the Executive Branch sent Bill 3535/08, which establishes the national policy on weather changes, but did not articulate its basis to assure the subject voting and due to this, the necessary debate was not accomplished.

Third Place
According to Adriano Oliveira, Coordinator of the Climate Change of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the developed countries’ proposals are too limited, but Brazil has 413 bills of reduction of emission that assure "an honorable third place" in this department.

"Our position is below that of China and India, since our standard is cleaner due to the comprehensive use of renewable energies. We have nationally prepared projects, with our own technology, but we must demonstrate we can accomplish more if we could count with international resources as well", said Oliveira.

Suzana Khan, Secretary of Climate Change and Environmental Quality of the Ministry of Environment, said that Brazil has a lot to offer, specially the commitment of reduction of 80% of the deforestation rate in the Amazon region until 2020. She emphasizes that nowadays, the Cerrado has been monitored. It could amplify the contribution of the country.

According to her, the financial participation of the developed countries is necessary: "For the year 2020, Brazil must struggle for challenging goals, but we must be aware of our mitigation costs [emissions reduction] and take advantage of the positive opportunities that are offered to the Country, in the areas of reforestation and use of biomass."

Limitation to the development
Deputy Sebastião Bala Rocha (PDT-AP) reminded that the Amazon region, regarded as an “environmental villain” because of the deforestation, suffers from restrictions on its development and has had no compensation for the environmental services. “Amapá has 97% of standing forest and does not get anything for this”, he complained.

Bala Rocha wants Brazil to internationally defend the proposal for the creation of the World Environmental Organization and the Global Environmental Security Council. He authored an indication regarding this subject and had no response from the government.

The deputy also considered the reduction range required from the rich countries (between 20% and 40%) "very large”, and proposed Brazil to insist on the compliance with at least 40%.

The Deputy Antonio Feijão (PSDB-AP) criticized the "environmental discourse" which does not mention the people and cultures from the Amazon region. “There are people who are living in poverty because the environmental model does not allow them to live in the local communities”. The withdrawal of communities who live in national forests is, according to him, “a federal robbery”.

Feijão warned that “poverty, when there is no future, embraces the violence". He said he does not accept Amazonia being prohibited to produce sugar cane to “be a counterpoint to the ethanol from São Paulo”.

Global Agreement
COP-15 is the 15th Conference of the Parties, held by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It will be held from December 7th to 18th of this year in Copenhagen, Denmark. The conference is intended to reach a global climate deal, with quantitative goals for the rich countries and commitment on the reduction of emissions for the developing countries.

Reporting – Rejane Xavier
Edition - João Pitella Junior
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Thiago Capatti