Committee approves tourism agreement among Brazil, India and South Africa

05/10/2009 15h15

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) approved the ratification of agreement among Brazil, India and South Africa on the Cooperation in Tourism, in the scope of the Forum for Dialogue among the countries.

The Proposal to Legislative Decree 1738/09, of the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defence, provides cooperation among the official tourism bodies and other similar organizations of India, Brazil, and South Africa, in addition to the cooperation incentive in the private industry related to the tourism.

The agreement includes visits of press representatives, travel agents and tour operators to the tourist attractions of the State Parties, exchange among educational institutions, incentive to the attendance and participation in events.

Cooperation among nations
According to the Rapporteur, Deputy Colbert Martins (PMDB-PA), among the principles governing the international relations of Brazil there is the cooperation among nations for the human progress.

“The text of the Agreement is in accordance with such constitutional principle and addresses the standards of international acts that have been executed by the Brazilian State”, he said. The Deputy voted for the Constitutionality, Legality and the good legislative technique.

In process
The proposal, that has an emergency regime, was approved by the Committee on Tourism and Sports and, now, will be submitted to voting in The Floor.

Technical cooperation with Swaziland
On Tuesday (29), the CCJ also approved the Agreement on Technical Cooperation between Brazil and Swaziland, signed in Maputo on January 25th, 2008. The Kingdom of Swaziland is a Southern African country, with economy based on agriculture and cattle raising.

The Proposal to Legislative Decree 1671/09 provides that the cooperation will be accomplished in areas that were subsequently selected by two countries, in adjustments in the Agreement. The text also provides that the parts will jointly or separately finance the projects. For this, they will be able to seek financing of international organizations, funds and programs.

In process
The proposal is under emergency regime and will be voted by The Floor.

Reporting – Vania Alves
Edition – Newton Araújo / João Pitella Junior
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Carolina Ogata