Chamber approves nine international agreements

09/11/2009 18h00

On Thursday, 5th, in an extra session, the House Floor approved nine Proposals for Legislative Decree on international agreements signed by the Brazilian government. They are all going now to be voted by the Senate.

Among these is the agreement that Brazil has signed with Germany for Cooperation in Energy Sector with focus on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. Approved through PDC 1741/09, it rules that both countries will promote the exchange of scientific and technological information, experiences and know-how, with participation of private sector, covering 5 areas:
I- Renewable energy;
II- Energetic efficiency;
III- Innovative technologies on propulsion and generation;
IV- Clean development mechanisms;
V- Technologies on sustainable exploiting and usage of oil, coal and natural gas.

The validity of the agreement with Germany will be of 15 years and the first working group to be created will deal with biofuels exchange, aiming at information on trade, standardization, environmental and social certification. The environmental, economic and social sustainability of the production will also be discussed by the parties.

Other agreements approved by the Floor were:

- PDC 1764/09: Technical Cooperation Agreeement between Brazil and Sierra Leoa on areas to be determined by parts;

- PDC 1104/08: Frame Agreement on Economical Cooperation between Mercosur and the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf;

- PDC 1651/09: Frame Agreement Brazil-Israel on Educational Field Cooperation;

- PDC 1678/09: Brazil-Jordania Agreement on Education;

- PDC 1656/09: Brazil-Germany Agreement on Public Security Matters Partnership and Cooperation;

- PDC 1681/09: Brazil-East Timor Agreement on the Exercise of Remunerated Activity for Diplomatic, Consular, Military, Administrative and Technical Personnel Dependants;

- PDC 1663/09: Brazil-Tanzania Agreement on the Exercise of Remunerated Activity for Diplomatic, Consular, Military, Administrative and Technical Personnel Dependants;

- PDC 1737/09: Brazil-Morocco Agreement on Animal Health and Inspection of Products of Animal Origin.

Reporting - Eduardo Piovesan
Edition - Newton Araújo
Translation – José B. Schneider