CCJ approves agreement on adhesion to the Istanbul Convention

30/10/2009 13h20

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) approved, on Tuesday (20th), the Proposal to Legislative Decree (PDC) 1805/09, which allows ratifying the convention of temporary admission of goods, known as “Istanbul Convention”, celebrated in 1990 by the World Customs Organization.

By joining the convention, Brazil shall facilitate the temporary admission procedures of goods with suspension of customs taxes, ensuring greater flexibility in the entrance and return of temporarily import goods.

The measure benefits sales agents and business fair exhibitors, among others, which may transit from country to country with their products, inclusively using only one document to various travels. In the end, the goods shall return to their country of origin, or the convention provides the charge of taxes which had been suspended.

Partial adhesion
The rapporteur, Deputy Mauro Benevides (PMDB-CE), highlighted that Brazil will sign the convention, effective since 1993, but, according to the government, will not sign the agreement’s annexes yet once there are not technical conditions in the moment.

“Brazil will guarantee the possibility of gradually adhere to more parts of the temporary import regime or to the whole of it regulated by the Istanbul Convention with this partial adhesion”, he said.

In process
The project has urgency regime and will be analyzed by the committees on Economic Development, Commerce and Industry; and on Finances and Taxation; before being voted in the Floor.

Reporting – Marcello Larcher
Edition – Newton Araújo
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Thiago Capatti