Brazilian deputies visit Honduras

05/10/2009 15h35
Luiz Alves
deputados em honduras 
Brazilian deputies in Tegucigalpa

The Brazilian community in the country is of about 500 people

The six members of the External Committee, established by the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defence in order to follow up the condition of the Brazilian community in Honduras, embarked in a Brazilian Armed Forces airplane to El Salvador, on Wednesday (30th). From there, the deputies took a commercial flight to Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras, where they arrived on the evening.

Since June, Honduras faces a political crisis, when the President, Manuel Zelaya, was deposed by a military coup. Deputy Raul Jungmann (PPS-PE), Coordinator of the External Committee, explained that the Brazilian Representatives' mission is not to mediate the crisis. However, he said that Brazilian representatives will defend peaceful actions and elections in a possible conversation about the proposals in order to solve the conflict.

Besides Jungmann, the group comprised of Deputies Marcondes Gadelha (PSB-PB), Ivan Valente, Cláudio Cajado (DEM-BA), Maurício Rands (PT-PE), and Bruno Araújo (PSDB-PE).

Ivan Valente (Psol-SP) said that the main objective of the Committee is to debate actions to prevent the decision of the deposed president, Manuel Zelaya, - taking shelter at the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa – from harming Brazilians who live in the country.

Deputy Maurício Rands (PT-PE) reminded that the Brazilian community in the country is of about 500 people. Before embarking, Rands said that one of the first appointments of the group would be a meeting with the components of the Board of Directors of the Honduran Parliament.

Jungmann emphasized that travelling expenses would be paid by the Deputies themselves, without spending compensatory payments (a monthly amount that can be used by the Deputies in expenses related to their Term of Office, upon evidence by invoice).

On Friday (2nd), in the morning, the Brazilian representatives flew back to Brasília.

Reporting - Rodrigo Bittar
Edition - Paulo Cesar Santos
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Thiago Capatti